
Did you know that farts can reveal a lot about your health? While farts are often depicted in popular culture as sources of embarrassment or ...

In our YA Classes Teacher Highlights, we feature one of our amazing instructors and interview them so our members and readers can get to know ...

One of the pillars of our Vinyasa Yoga classes is our breath. The power our breath has over our body, mind and spirit is inspiring; it’s also vital to our ...

Katie Tetz is Power Living’s Studio Business Manager and Bondi Studio Manager. She shares her experience of having Gina Brescianini as a personal mentor. All ...

Looking for a genuine way to advocate for yourself that supports your well-being? It is time to set boundaries. And did you know that there ...

The quality of communication can be the difference between a lackluster relationship and a magical relationship. This article will identify ...

Online yoga teacher training programs are becoming more and more popular. Several years ago, you’d only find a few online YTT options, but ...

The introvert personality requires special considerations that aren’t always met in our extroverted world. If you are an introvert, this ...

The introvert personality requires special considerations that aren’t always met in our extroverted world. If you are an introvert, this ...

Online yoga teacher training programs are becoming more and more popular. Several years ago, you’d only find a few online YTT options, but ...

Looking for a genuine way to advocate for yourself that supports your well-being? It is time to set boundaries. And did you know that there ...

When the winds of ancient wisdom gently breeze over the modern world, we find ourselves rediscovering practices like Qigong. Part of Traditional Chinese ...